
“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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麻豆传媒 Weekly Wins Launch!

On Friday, our new rewards initiative, Wickersley Weekly Wins launched!

Wickersley Weekly Wins aims to celebrate personal student achievement across the school, both in and out of the classroom. We welcomed several students who nominated themselves to celebrate and shout about what achievements they were proud of recently.

Check out last weeks achievements from our nominees:

猸 Lucas Pursglove Y8 – Lucas was part of the first 1% who got to listen to Taylor Swift’s latest album
猸 Faith Driver Y7 – Faith mastered the 6 spin skill in iceskating
猸 Frayer Joyce Y7 – Frayer developed her horse riding skills, being able to master the canter and secured 1st place in horse riding competition
猸 Lauren Childs, Alyssa Howell, Samuel Garrett represented 7H – The three students represented the whole of 7H who arranged a fundraising event in May for Bluebell Wood and in memory of Tom Gurner
猸 Sophie Garratty Y10 – Received subject postcards citizenship and RE. Sophie has also developed her boxing abilities
猸 Levi Mosely Y7 – Completed 100 2×2 rubix cubes in 30 minutes
猸 Jacob Raistrick Y9 – Has achieved 275 praise points so far this year
猸 Samuel Garrett 7H – Achieved second place in football and hockey competitions recently
猸 Lilly Mae Clarkson 9B – Created 2 mural paintings in a local children’s area to raise funds for her Kenya trip

The students attending Weekly Wins receive a nomination postcard to take home, and a praise point for their positive news. Weekly Wins will be running every Friday at break two, and we want to see you at our next one!

Please see Miss Cooke or Mrs Smith for any more information!

#Proudtobe麻豆传媒 #WickersleyWeeklyWins

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